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State of Rhode Island, Office of the State Fire Marshal , Department of Business Regulation

NFPA 1521 Incident Safety Officer

Date: All day from to

Location: Rhode Island Fire Academy

This course is designed to meet the requirements of introductory fire department health and safety officers by exploring incident safety officer (ISO) roles and responsibilities, legal aspects, and specific tasks at various emergency and non-emergency incidents.  The course is a hydrid class and will combine live weekly lecture sessions, and online discussion boards to explore course topics and required skills for ISO candidates.


At the end of the course, you are eligible to take the Rhode Island Fire Academy (RIFA) written exam.  Participants that recieve a RIFA certification are eligible for certification through the National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications.



  • Fire Officer 1
  • RIFA Registration Form
  • RIFA Waiver Form

Event Type: Fire Academy Classes